Church Times: Primates to meet in Egypt behind closed doors

THE PRIMATES of the Anglican Commun­ion will meet in Egypt from Sunday to Thurs­day, behind closed doors. They will use a format largely modelled on the Lambeth Conference.

It will be the first time that the Archbishops who were at Lambeth will be together with those who boycotted the event, although some acceptances had still not been received this week. On Wednesday, the secretary of the Primates’ Meeting, Canon Kenneth Kearon, put that down to “personal dis­organ­isation” on the part of some.

The draft agenda is largely an extension of the Lambeth agenda. It has been put together by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Canon Kearon, but is deliberately undetailed, and has a “degree of elasticity”. Worship, Bible study, and group discussions will have a high prior­ity. The same question as the bishops dis­cussed at Lambeth will be asked here: what impact has the sexuality debate in the Anglican Com­munion had on the mission of the individual provinces?

Five Primates have been invited to lead the debate on this.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Primates

10 comments on “Church Times: Primates to meet in Egypt behind closed doors

  1. AnglicanFirst says:

    “It has been put together by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Canon Kearon,….”

    This cited partnership should raise ‘warning flags.’

    Unless the GAFCON primates display strong leadership keep it from becoming another vague indaba-encounter, the outcome of this meeting is more or less predictable.

  2. Creighton+ says:

    I pray all the cards are put on the table. In other words, that worthless and manipulative dialogue will be tossed for honest and forthright communication and the reality we face as a province and communion.

  3. Cennydd says:

    That dialogue will be worthless if Schori and Hiltz have a role in it.

  4. Dan Crawford says:

    The will all gather in a circle to sing “indaba, indaba doo” while showing they haven’t a clue about just what to do.
    What a waste of money and time – I suppose it does get the boys and girl out of the office.

  5. tjmcmahon says:

    Let’s not prejudge the outcome. Look at Dar, other than the PB being given an underserved and since abused role on the JSC, the Dar meeting was, in the end, quite positive and productive. The problem was not the outcome of the meeting, but that neither TEC nor the ABC “lived into” the agreement reached at Dar.

  6. Jon says:

    When Kendall last posted an article about this, I thought it indicated that priestess Schiori would still be absent for at least 3 of the 5 days. Is that still the case? Will she be the presenter for the US?

  7. mugsie says:


  8. Daniel says:

    Based on the Scriven precedent, Rowan better watch himself or he and any of the other attending primates could be inhibited and deposed by Schori if she determines he has abandoned the communion of her church?! 🙂

  9. Branford says:

    Don’t forget, Kevin Kallsen of AnglicanTV will be in Egypt for this. Hopefully, there will be interviews, etc.

  10. Betty See says:

    I may have the wrong impression but it seems to me that Canon Kearon holds a very powerful position in the Anglican Communion (possibly more powerful than the ABC) and I wonder if someone would explain the responsibilities of his office and tell us what qualifies Canon Kearon to hold that position.