Lure of Facebook makes it a popular fast for Lent

College students were the first to hit on the Facebook fast. This year, adults — the fastest-growing Facebook demographic group — have taken on the challenge. Now Italian Roman Catholic bishops are onto it. Sort of. They’re urging believers to take a high-tech fast for Lent by switching off iPods and abstaining from instant text messaging.

Paul Griffith, a professor of Catholic theology at Duke Divinity School, said the church doesn’t have a problem with technology as such — only its overuse.

“The concern is that technology like e-mail and the Internet can substitute for genuine human relationships,” Griffith said.

Read it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet, Church Year / Liturgical Seasons, Lent

One comment on “Lure of Facebook makes it a popular fast for Lent

  1. Timothy says:

    One should give up for Lent that which comes between one and Christ. While Facebook is more likely than a candy bar or soda come between one and Christ, I suspect there are even better choices.