ACC-14 Opening Plenary

The Anglican Consultative Council (ACC-14) began on May 2,2009 in Kingston Jamaica. A quiet morning session was led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, which concluded with a noonday Eucharist. The delegates next met in discernment groups to begin their discussions about the issues before the council. In the opening plenary session three bishops- the Dean of the Province Bishop Errol Brookes, the Diocesan Bishop Alfred Reid and Bishop of the host city Robert Thompson extended a warm welcome to the delegates.

The ACC has both a chair (Bishop John Paterson) and a president (The Archbishop of Canterbury) and their opening remarks are presented in this podcast.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop of Canterbury

One comment on “ACC-14 Opening Plenary

  1. Katherine says:

    Please tell me a discernment group is not the same as an indaba group.