The biblical writers take the opposing view [of the (post)modern mentality]. Truth statements do indeed correspond to what is out there. Biblical affirmations are neither arbitrary nor provisional but have all the weight of eternity behind them. And the biblical authors clearly assume that despite capacities for misreading our own desires into this truth, seeing only what we want to see, refusing to see what is actually there, we can still know this truth. And this is so despite the many innocent mistakes we might make in reading the Scriptures.
–David Wells, The Courage to be Protestant (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), page 80
Notable and Quotable
The biblical writers take the opposing view [of the (post)modern mentality]. Truth statements do indeed correspond to what is out there. Biblical affirmations are neither arbitrary nor provisional but have all the weight of eternity behind them. And the biblical authors clearly assume that despite capacities for misreading our own desires into this truth, seeing only what we want to see, refusing to see what is actually there, we can still know this truth. And this is so despite the many innocent mistakes we might make in reading the Scriptures.
–David Wells, The Courage to be Protestant (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), page 80