Thomas Friedman on the Vital Role Small Innovative Companies are Playing in today's world

The clinical trials for EndoStim are being conducted in India and Chile. “What they have in common,” said Hogg, “is superb surgeons with high levels of skill, enthusiasm for the project, an interest in research and reasonable costs.” This is also part of the new model, said Hogg: Invented and financed in the West, further developed and tested in the East and rolled out in both markets.

What’s in it for America? As long as the venture money, core innovation and the key management comes from here ”” a lot. If EndoStim works out, its tiny headquarters in St. Louis will grow much larger. St. Louis is where the best jobs ”” top management, marketing, design ”” and shareholders will be, said Hogg. Where innovation is sparked and capital is raised still matters.

You don’t hear much about companies like this. Our national debate today is dominated by the ignorant ramblings of Sarah Palin, talk-show lunatics, tea parties and politics as sports ”” not ESPN but PSPN. Fortunately, though, we still have risk-takers who are not paying attention to any of this nonsense, who know what world they’re living in ”” and are just doing it. Thank goodness!

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Corporations/Corporate Life, Credit Markets, Economy, Globalization, Health & Medicine, Science & Technology