Church Times–Anglican aspect of life in Ordinariate questioned

At a meeting on Saturday at Pusey House in Oxford, the Revd Jonathan Baker SSC, Principal of Pusey House, said that a group was gathering to reflect on what was the “distinct tradition” within the Anglican Church, fostered since the Reforma­tion, which was “potentially capable of finding its way to enrich the life of the wider Catholic Church”.

Under the norms of Benedict XVI’s Anglicanorum Coetibus, clergy trained in seminaries in the pro­posed Ordinariate (News, 23 Octo­ber) would be tutored in “those aspects of Anglican patrimony that are of particular value” to the RC Church.

One speaker, Eamon Duffy, Pro­fessor of the History of Christianity at Cambridge, and an Irish Roman Catholic, asked what “transferrable skills” Anglicans would bring. He said that what was distinctive was that they had been “shaped” by the Royal Supremacy, which had had a “moderating impact” on the differ­ences in the Church of England between Catholics and Protestants.

“A fundamental part of the nature, identity, and patrimony of Anglican­ism comes from the enforced co-existence of the Catholic dimension of Anglicanism within other more Protestant streams within an estab­lishment,” Professor Duffy said. There would be “big problems ima­gining how it would retain its coherence and Anglican identity outside those constraints. . . Could choral evensong survive in a min­ority uniate Church . . . within Roman Catholicism?”

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Religion News & Commentary, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), Ecclesiology, Other Churches, Pope Benedict XVI, Roman Catholic, Theology

3 comments on “Church Times–Anglican aspect of life in Ordinariate questioned

  1. Conchúr says:

    The Church Times have put a particular slant on the conference that is really fair. I have listened to the speeches given and it is quite clear that the questions raised about patrimony and ethos were framed positively. Debate and self-examination was being encouraged about clarifying what are the distinctive elements of Catholic-minded Anglicanism and the gift they would be to the wider Church. More than anything it was a call for the collective focussing of minds on the issue of identity.

  2. FrKimel says:

    The presentations at this conference are available in audio format here:

    Check out especially [url=]Eamon Duffy’s address[/url].

  3. rugbyplayingpriest says:

    I was unable to be present but am willing to bet it was a good deal less pessimistic towards the notion of an Ordinariate than the Church Times, with its own agenda, is letting on!