”¢NCA currently maintains more than 2.9 million gravesites at 130 national cemeteries in 39 states and Puerto Rico, as well as in 33 soldiers’ lots and monument sites.
Ӣ Approximately 295,600 full-casket gravesites, 90,200 in-ground gravesites for cremated remains, and 75,200 columbarium niches are available in already developed acreage in our 128 national cemeteries.
”¢ There are close to 19,000 acres within established installations in NCA. Nearly half are undeveloped and””with available gravesites in developed acreage””have the potential to provide approximately 4.7 million gravesites.
Ӣ Of the 130 national cemeteries, 70 are open to all interments; 20 can accommodate cremated remains and the remains of family members for interment in the same gravesite as a previously deceased family member; and 40 will perform only interments of family members in the same gravesite as a previously deceased family member.