In Gibraltar, Historic Cathedral Seeks £800,000 for Vital Restoration Work

It is one of Gibraltar’s almost forgotten historic landmarks, on which decades of wear and weather (as well as dwindling congregations) have taken their toll; but a major campaign is under way to raise more than £800,000 to restore, repair and refurbish the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Gibraltar, the 170-year-old building that, in theory at least, is the spiritual hub of the Anglican diocese in Europe.
Built between 1825 and 1832 the church was consecrated in 1838 and elevated to the status of a cathedral four years later, but time and the season have attacked the fabric and as well as a need to replace the roof and remove asbestos which was used in past repairs and building work the cathedral has to be rewired and a new sound system installed.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, Europe

One comment on “In Gibraltar, Historic Cathedral Seeks £800,000 for Vital Restoration Work

  1. robroy says:

    The website of the church (which is the “mother church of the diocese of Europe”) is found [url= ]here[/url].