Religion and Ethics Newsweekly Profiles Eugene Peterson

[BOB] ABERNETHY: As Peterson compares life on Flathead Lake in Montana to life in the rest of the country, he does not like what he sees.

[EUGENE] PETERSON: American culture is probably the least Christian culture that we’ve ever had because it is so materialistic and it’s so full of lies. The whole advertising world is just, it’s just intertwined with lies, appealing to the worst of the instincts we have. The problem is people have been treated as consumers for so long they don’t know any other way to live.

ABERNETHY: The antidote, for Peterson, is what pastors can teach.

PETERSON: Introduce them to a living Christ, a Christ who makes life livable in the terms in which you are living””that everything in the gospel is livable, not just true.

Read or watch it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Consumer/consumer spending, Economy

One comment on “Religion and Ethics Newsweekly Profiles Eugene Peterson

  1. Fr. Gregory Crosthwait says:

    very encouraging. thank you for posting.