More Latinos expanding their religious horizons

It’s Sunday morning and evangelical churches are packed.

Pastors are preaching, Bibles are being read and churchgoers are singing.

In Spanish.

While the Catholic church is still the principal religion for Latinos, a growing number are bucking tradition and moving toward… [evangelicalism] — particularly among the younger generation.

Read it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Evangelicals, Other Churches, Parish Ministry

One comment on “More Latinos expanding their religious horizons

  1. MichaelA says:

    [blockquote] “About 23 percent, or 9.5 million of 41 million Latinos in the U.S. in 2004, identified themselves as Protestants or other Christians…” [/blockquote]
    That’s a lot of people, and judging from other statistics quoted in the article, that proportion is on the rise. Is the hispanic population also impacting on Anglican churches in USA?