An Open Thread on Independence Day 2012

Let us hear your thoughts, in whatever direction they may go.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., History

6 comments on “An Open Thread on Independence Day 2012

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    Happy 140th birthday to my favorite President, Calvin Coolidge.

  2. Teatime2 says:

    I’ll admit to being conflicted this July 4. I guess it’s because we’ve had weeks of proclamations and laws of the land that have emanating from political posturing than actual fairness and justice. We deserve better and i just don’t know how we’re going to accomplish “better” now. There’s no outside influence or force to blame, only us, and many humans generally balk at taking responsibility for things. Getting Americans to think outside of their comfort zones is even more difficult.

  3. Kendall Harmon says:

    My thoughts and prayers are especially with those in the military and their families on this day, as well as those who gave their lives for the freedom many of us now enjoy.

  4. Terry Tee says:

    Greetings from England. I know that you read about anti-Americanism over here, and goodness knows it is fashionable to be so among our metropolitan elite. Yet the deeper truth is that when the going got tough we have always stood side by side. Right now both nations have members of their armed forces falling in service in Afghanistan – two days ago three British soldiers shot dead by an Afghan serviceman. I give respect to those who serve in what must be a difficult and baffling military assignment. As regards the difference of our nations, each has its national character, yet we are linked by history, language, and not least by the avidity with which we visit one another’s countries. May the United States flourish.

  5. Teatime2 says:

    Amen to that, Canon Harmon!

    LOL, I just realized that I’m wearing a Shakespeare T-shirt and my son just showed up wearing The Clash on his shirt! Guess we’re not a very patriotic lot, unintentionally.

    Terry Tee, I just finished reading Jeffrey Archer’s “First Among Equals.” I’ve had it for ages but never read it until now, recovering from spine surgery and looking around the house for something I hadn’t read. Very interesting. If it’s factual, I am envious that common folks can still be elected as MPs by putting in the work and meeting the constituents, not raising/spending hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is much merit and grassroots access in the British system. We probably shouldn’t have thrown out the baby with the bath water.

  6. Terry Tee says:

    TT, your observation about the possibility of being elected to the UK parliament from a humble walk of life is perfectly accurate, and indeed there are legal restraints on the amount of money that can be spent on campaigning (a very modest amount, I may add). However, there is considerable concern this side of the pond that fewer and fewer people make it through the party ranks with what I might loosely call experience of life. More and more of them are political pros, going from university political club to a job working for a trade union or an MP or MEP, then on to a public relations firm working in politics and finally into parliament. In the past we had lots of people who had been lawyers (especially), miners, railwaymen, farmers, etc. Even actors (think Glenda Jackson, MP). Not so any more. Alas.