When will Justin Welby officially become Archbishop of Canterbury?

On 10th January 2013, the College of Canons will meet in the Chapter House of Canterbury Cathedral to elect Bishop Justin as the new Archbishop, having received the Congé d’Élire and Letter Missive from the Crown authorising the Election to take place.

A further legal ceremony, the Confirmation of Election, will take place on 4th February 2013 at St Paul’s Cathedral. The Dean of Canterbury will report to a commission of senior diocesan bishops chaired by the Archbishop of York that Bishop Justin has been elected according to statute, and the Archbishop of York, on behalf of his fellow bishops and the wider Church, will confer on him the ”˜spiritualities’ of the diocese of Canterbury.

At this point, he becomes the Archbishop of Canterbury – until then he remains Bishop of Durham.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, --Justin Welby, Anglican Provinces, Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of England (CoE), England / UK, Religion & Culture

5 comments on “When will Justin Welby officially become Archbishop of Canterbury?

  1. pendennis88 says:

    So invites will be sent for March 21. Who will be invited and who will attend? Will Lawrence be invited? It may be an interesting look at Welby’s attitude towards TEC versus the global south and the orthodox.

  2. Undergroundpewster says:

    The real question is whether or not +KJS will get to wear her hat.

  3. Teatime2 says:

    I so don’t envy this poor man and hope that Anglicans everywhere will keep him in their daily prayers. Just the mess that is TEC will keep him up at night, even though he legally can’t do much to intervene. Having the world pounce on you right out of the gate must, well, truly suck (lemons).

    I hope people WON’T read too much into the invitations and rubberstamp his forehead with some judgment because of who and who isn’t at his enthronement. Much of the invitation process is probably out of his control, like a large wedding in which the bride and groom don’t know even half of the guests, a substantial portion being colleagues and friends of their parents.

  4. Ralph says:

    In addition to the question of Bishop Mark’s being invited, I’m wondering about ABp. Duncan. Both of those would make TEC squirm.

  5. magnolia says:

    sadly, i believe that the recent action of the COE gives an idea about what is to come; i think ACNA will be out and TEC will be in. after all, did anyone really believe that COE would become more orthodox after the reign of the unfortunate RW?