Two New Resolutions Proposed in the Diocese of Georgia

Here is one:

The Tithe as the Standard of Funding

The Reverends Robert Fain, Ted Clarkson, Gavin Dunbar and Cynthia Taylor propose the following resolution to the 192nd Convention. Their copy of the resolution with its full accompanying explanation is online here: The Tithe as the Standard of Funding PDF.

Resolved, that this 192nd Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia request that the Special Task Force on Church Structural Reform, created by the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church to present a plan to the next General Convention in 2015 for “reforming the Church’s structures, governance and administration”, include as one of its recommendations a proposal the the 78th General Convention of the Episcopal Church adopt the tithe as the standard of giving and as the funding formula for diocesan support of the budget of the Episcopal Church and,

be it further Resolved, that this resolution together with its accompanying Explanation, be forwarded to The Executive Council for it information.

Read them all.


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