Pope Affirms the Family as Agent of Peace

He said: “The same love that builds and maintains unity in the family, the vital building block of society, favors these relationships of solidarity and of collaboration among the peoples of the earth, that are members of the single human family.”

The Pope affirmed that “there is a close relationship, therefore, among family, society and peace.” Quoting his message for the World Day of Peace, he added, “Whoever, even unknowingly, circumvents the institution of the family, undermines peace in the entire community, national and international, since he weakens what is in effect the primary agency of peace.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Marriage & Family, Other Churches, Pope Benedict XVI, Roman Catholic

7 comments on “Pope Affirms the Family as Agent of Peace

  1. Wilfred says:

    I realize “pope” means “father”, but Fr Kendall aren’t we being a little too familiar here addressing him as “Pop”?

  2. Kendall Harmon says:

    Just a typo, sorry.

  3. CharlesB says:

    “In a prayer to Mary . . .”. I agree with the family thing, but praying to anyone other than God is a problem for me.

  4. Chris Molter says:

    CharlesB, I pray you reconsider 😉

  5. Chris Molter says:

    or, rather, I pray you (comma!) reconsider!

  6. AnglicanFirst says:

    The Pope has ‘nailed it.’

    For many people, discussing the disintegration of the basic concept of man-woman lifelong marriage and the conception and nurturing of off-spring is an uncomfortable and a self-indicting exercise.

    Acknowledging the importance of lifelong man-woman marriage means questioning the supposed gains made in advancing ‘sexual freedom’ during the 20th Century.

    It means revisiting the issues of ‘free sex’ without marriage, frivolous divorces, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDs, non-normative sexual practices (including homosexuality), exposing children, in the media and in the class room, to issues of sexuality that should be taught at home or not taught at all, etc.

    It means looking specifically at what conception outside of marriage has done and is doing to our children. Children who are emotionally, often permanently, damaged due to the lack of a second parent in the household, usually the father.

    Children, who as adults, are incompetent parents because they never witnessed nor experienced competent parenting by two parents married to each other and living together as man and wife.

    But of course, the progressive-revisionists are far too intelligent to permit their lives to become too entangled with issues such as man-woman marriage and the burdensome business of raising children.

    The progressive-revisionists would probably be happier with Lenin’s concept of the Soviet man and the Soviet woman in which the ‘good’ Soviet man would be provided with a ‘good’ Soviet woman for purposes of sexuality. When the union of these two political entities resulted in the birth of a child, that child would be sent to a parentless state facility in which the child would grow up to be a ‘good’ Soviet citizen.

    Just unthinking ants in an anthill. But you know, that’s what the progressive-revisionists are when it comes to the importance of the family, they are just unthinking ants in an ant hill.

  7. Ioannes M says:

    CharlesB, I believe the ‘praying to Mary’ part was a slightly wobbly Zenit translation. What his Holiness actually prayed that day was the Angelus…