Today in History

You can check here and there. This is what stood out to me:

1922 Nov 21, Rebecca L. Felton of Georgia was sworn in as the first woman to serve in the U.S. Senate.

1938 Nov 21, Nazi forces occupied western Czechoslovakia and declared its people German citizens. This annexation of Sudetenland was the first major belligerent action by Hitler. The allies chose to sit still for it in return for a promise of “peace in our time,” which Hitler later broke.

1974 Nov 21: Birmingham pub blasts kill 19

What stood out to you–KSH?


Posted in * Culture-Watch, History

3 comments on “Today in History

  1. Jeremy Bonner says:

    I discovered that I share a birthday (my forty-third) with Voltaire (not my first choice). It is also the date of death of Franz Josef of Austria in 1916, even as the last vestiges of the Habsburg state crumbled around him.

    For those of you across the Pond, it is the anniversary both of the Mayflower Compact (1620) and of the passage of the Freedom of Information Act (1974).

    Finally, it was on November 21, 1953, that “Piltdown Man” was shown by Kenneth Oakley, Joseph Weiner and Wilfred Le Gros Clark to be a forgery.

  2. Terry Tee says:

    Perhaps for clarity we ought to mention what caused the Birmingham pub blast. It was not a gas leak. It was a bomb planted by the IRA, one of many such planted in buses, railway stations, outside McDonalds, etc. Just sayin’.

  3. Vatican Watcher says:

    The annexation of the Sudetenland in 1938 was NOT the first belligerent action by Hitler.

    Two years earlier Hitler sent the German Army into the Rhineland. Under the Treaty of Verseilles, the Rhineland was a demilitarized zone and sending in the Army was an act of war. Had France immediately responded, history would have gone a lot differently.