OED birthday word generator: which words originated in your birth year?

Do you know which words entered the English language around the same time you entered the world? Use our OED birthday word generator to find out! We’ve scoured the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) to find words with a first known usage for each year from 1900 to 2004. Simply select the relevant decade and click on your birth year to discover a word which entered the English language that year.

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, Books, History, Poetry & Literature

5 comments on “OED birthday word generator: which words originated in your birth year?

  1. Katherine says:

    Newspeak. That was a bad omen.

  2. Karen B. says:

    Very cool Kendall, thanks for linking this.
    Was stunned that cyberculture was coined in 1963!

  3. Bill Cavanaugh says:


  4. Terry Tee says:

    For me, queue-jumping. Disconcertingly apt.

  5. Dan Crawford says:

    1944 – gobbledygook – a word I find myself using with great frequency in the Anglican theological and political wars.