Julian Mann: Anglo-Catholics in danger of doing a Brazil

Sometimes it can be right to alienate one’s own supporters if an important issue of Christ’s truth is at stake, but Forward in Faith [UK] appears to be increasingly alienating its supporters for the wrong reason.

Cranmer’s Curate had noticed some rather disturbing equivocations on the received biblical teaching of the Church on human sexuality in the FiF magazine New Directions in recent months, but a very incisive piece by a blogger with the priceless name of Balaam’s Ass, posted by Anglican Mainstream – Gay Pride, Sex Discrimination and Anglo-Catholic Incoherence – has crystallised the issue.

Since losing some of its best and brightest leaders to the Ordinariate, the FiF high command has started openly flirting with the LGBT agenda, and this is causing consternation among Anglo-Catholic Christians in local churches.

The implications of this spiritual and moral drift in the FiF leadership are serious for conservative evangelical co-belligerency with Anglo-Catholics against the revisionist agenda in the Church of England. There has certainly been evidence of late that the Anglo-Catholics are proving unreliable allies.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), CoE Bishops

One comment on “Julian Mann: Anglo-Catholics in danger of doing a Brazil

  1. Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    This is exactly why I gave up on Anglo-catholicism and embraced real Catholicism. Anglo-catholicism really is a chimera; it has not definitive way of defining what exactly is Anglo-catholic tradition or teaching and what is not. Having nice sacramentals and incense in your liturgy does not make you Catholic.