(Public Discourse) Rachel Sheffield–Hooking Up, Shacking Up, and Saying "I Do"

Most young people want a happy marriage and family life. As a new report from the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia shows, the choices people make in their relationships prior to marriage matter. Unfortunately, the laissez-faire sexual practices embraced and promoted in our culture today don’t build a strong foundation for marriage.

According to the report, authored by Galena K. Rhoades and Scott M. Stanley of the University of Denver, individuals with more sexual partners and cohabitation experience tend to report poorer marital quality, as do couples with children from prior relationships. And yet, today the average person reports five sexual partners prior to marriage. Less than one quarter (23 percent) have only had sex with the person they marry. Cohabitation is also common, with the majority of people cohabiting prior to marriage. And more than 40 percent of all children are born outside of marriage.

The pathway to marriage is a precarious one today. Sexual freedom and experimentation pervade our culture. Yet they jeopardize the outcomes that most people say they desire. An anything-goes ideology marginalizes intentional decision-making in these most important areas of marriage and sexual activity.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Marriage & Family, Young Adults

One comment on “(Public Discourse) Rachel Sheffield–Hooking Up, Shacking Up, and Saying "I Do"

  1. Jim the Puritan says:

    Unfortunately, now that the very meaning of marriage has been destroyed by the courts and politicians, I am not very optimistic about it ever recovering from decline in the civil arena. However, all the more that means that Christians should recognize its importance in the Christian context, even if it means repudiating the institution of civil marriages and only being married in the eyes of God in a church.