(First Things) Ayman Ibrahim–Is the Open Letter to ISIS Really Enough?

The writing of this letter in itself, however, is not enough. The statement is ambiguous in crucial areas, which not only weaken its argument, but also question whether it is truly a rigorous and valid refutation of ISIS’s deeds and claims. In what follows, I will focus only on two of them: the concept of jihad and the restoration of the Muslim caliphate. While this letter claims to present the correct version of the Muslim teaching, its imprecise description of important areas makes it subject to different, and sometimes opposite, understandings, leaving the reader, especially the non-Muslim, puzzled regarding correct Islamic teaching.

First, concerning the concept of jihad, the letter reads: “The word ”˜jihad’ is an Islamic term that cannot be applied to armed conflict against any other Muslim.” Okay, but what about non-Muslims? Can jihad be applied against them? The letter, though recommending jihad as a form of self-piety or a way to strive against one’s ego, does not specify against whom armed jihad should be applied. This leaves the door open for interpretation.

Moreover, it states that “All Muslims see the great virtue in jihad,” and does not explain what “the jihad against the enemy” really means. In fact, the letter applauds and praises the “intentions” of the members of ISIS, noting, “it is clear that you [Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi] and your fighters are fearless and are ready to sacrifice in your intent for jihad.” The approval sends mixed signals….

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * Religion News & Commentary, Education, Islam, Media, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture, Terrorism, Theology, Violence

One comment on “(First Things) Ayman Ibrahim–Is the Open Letter to ISIS Really Enough?

  1. Katherine says:

    This is a good analysis of the letter. From the Muslim standpoint, it’s a positive start towards rejecting the extremism of ISIS and related movements. From the non-Muslim viewpoint, it’s not enough because it doesn’t deal with the political supremacism inherent in Islam. Muslims need to find a way to live in peace in a pluralistic world in which they are not always going to be in charge. The foundational texts do not allow that.