The Mom Song Sung to William Tell Overture with Lyrics


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10 comments on “The Mom Song Sung to William Tell Overture with Lyrics

  1. Kendall Harmon says:

    This is the video referred to in the NY Times magazine article in the previous posting.

    Absolutely hilarious–birghtened my day.

  2. Carol R says:

    That is Sooo funny! It made me cry from laughing. She deserved her standing-O! Thanks for posting this.

  3. BabyBlue says:


  4. Dee in Iowa says:

    She didn’t miss a point – in the end – moms are the same, generation to generation…luved it….

  5. Susan Russell says:

    Brilliant! I read about her in the NYT last night and had made a note to “Google” her … thanks for a HUGE day brightener … I’m sending this to both my sons!

  6. Undergroundpewster says:


  7. Hursley says:

    Perhaps we could have her sing this at Lambeth. It might help folks figure out what the rules really are in life.

    A great posting…something to share with my wife, family, and friends. Thanks!

  8. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Hmmm. I notice that after Kendall himself made the first comment, that the next four commenters to jump in were all women.

    But I couldn’t agree more with all the folks above. This is absolutely delightful. And it’s nice occasionally to find something like this that even Susan Russell of Integrity can agree with and rejoice in as much as the rest of us.

    David Handy+

  9. Chris says:

    Also quite funny is Pachelbel Bedtime –