Ian Paul: 300 and still standing…

… This is my 300th post on the blog, and I thought it might be a good moment to offer a few reflections. I started the blog at the time of a short sabbatical in 2009, but only wrote consistently and substantially after leaving my teaching role in theological education in June 2013. Even in these few years, a lot has changed.

Bloggers have become more influential. A small sign of this is the daily Church of England media release, which alongside newspapers reports and news items includes a number of blog posts. Bloggers’ influence is particularly strong in the States, where there are a good number of serious bloggers, and some substantial discussion takes place.
Perhaps the most striking thing I have gained in blogging is the sense of disciplining my thoughts. It is one thing to have a view; it is quite another to put it in writing for all the world to see, read, and comment on. I have found this has fed back into my other speaking and ministry. Every time I preach or speak, I am drawing on a number of things I have written about in the blog””which I hope gives substance and plausibility to what I say, but also gives me resources to draw on and confidence in what I present. The blog has become, for me, a personal library of written resources. Perhaps it is the diary or reflective journal that I have never kept…

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, --Social Networking, Blogging & the Internet

One comment on “Ian Paul: 300 and still standing…

  1. MichaelA says:

    Very interesting when juxtaposed with the ABC’s latest attempt to limit internet discussion of church affairs.