Pastor says U.S. has role to play in Kenya

Accounts of violence in Kenya are more than just news stories to Joseph Ngotho; they are the latest news about the fate of his homeland and his dispossessed family.

“They had homes and businesses. Now they are living in churches or communal compounds,” Ngotho said.

Democratic stability in this African nation disintegrated last year when a power sharing agreement between political rivals fell apart.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Kenya, Anglican Provinces

3 comments on “Pastor says U.S. has role to play in Kenya

  1. bob carlton says:

    While it has been impressive to see Pres Bush make Africa a higher priority in terms of aid, it has been disappointing to see how slow he has responded to Kenya.

  2. New Reformation Advocate says:

    It’s hard for us Anglos in America to understand the endemic tribal conflicts in so much of Africa. Part of the tragedy is that Kenya has been one of the relatively bright spots where democracy seemed to be taking root, despite the massive corruption of the former Daniel Moi regime. One has only to recall the savageness of the bloody Kikuyu riots in the mid 20th century in Kenya to remember how weak (if not even fragile) is the foundation on which post-colonial Kenya rests.

    But the answer is not massive U.S. foreign aid. It’s rather for more direct and personal intervention through building bridges of friendship, cooperation, and mutual concern as is happening now through the new missionary outreach of the Anglican Church of Kenya in America, under the outstanding leadership of +Bill Atwood and +Bill Murdoch. However, that partnership is still in its infancy.

    But something we ALL can do is pray. Pray for ++Benjamin Nzimbi and his fellow bishops in this hour of trial.

    David Handy+

  3. Katherine says:

    Is there a religious angle to this conflict? I read somewhere that the losing candidate was Muslim, and that the violence has an Islamist/Christian dimension as well as tribal and election fraud angles. Does anyone know?

    What do you want the U.S. government to do, #1? Send in troops? I’m not trying to be snide at the moment. I don’t understand the complexities of the situation.