O Lord God, who didst send thy only begotten Son to redeem the world by his obedience unto death: Grant, we humbly beseech thee, that the continual remembrance of his bitter cross may teach us to crucify the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof; that in the union and merits of his death and passion we may die with him, and rest with him, and rise again with him, and live with him for ever, to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory; world without end.
“When He shed His blood for us, Jesus Christ destroyed death and corruptibility… For if He had not died for us, we should not have been saved, and if He had not gone down among the dead, death’s cruel empire would never have been shattered” St Cyril of Alexandria #HolySaturday pic.twitter.com/JQlL4nAScr
— Angus Ritchie (@AngusCTC) April 20, 2019