From the Do Not Take Yourself Too Seriously Department

There was an elderly lady who had great faith in God, and also was very exuberant about expressing it, and it was her practice that every morning she would go out on her front porch and raise her arms to the sky and shout “praise the Lord!”

Well, it happened that her next door neighbor was an atheist who would shout back “there ain’t no Lord!”

So every morning this little routine went on, and it came to pass that this woman of great faith was experiencing financial difficulty, going through very hard times, so one morning she went out on her front porch to do her normal routine and said: “Lord, you have to send me some groceries, I don’t have enough money to buy the food we need. Lord, send me some groceries, and praise the Lord!”

So the next morning she went out on her porch and lo and behold there were two big bags of groceries, all the food that she needed, and of course didn’t hesitate to say “Praise the Lord!” But her neighbor had been hiding in the bushes, and he jumped out and said: “Ha! I put those groceries there! There is no Lord!” Well, that didn’t stop her for a second, she jumped up and down with even more Joy than ever and yelled: Praise the Lord! The Lord bought me groceries and even made the someone greatly resisting your goodness pay for them!”


Posted in * General Interest, Humor / Trivia