Controversial Church Leader taking message to NSU law school

Four years after the appointment of the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, tensions continue to mount within the Episcopal Church.

While some Episcopal dioceses are discussing breaking away from the church, the controversial bishop is traveling around the world to spread a peaceful and inclusive message.

His next stop — South Florida, where a number of Episcopal leaders have shown their support of Bishop Gene Robinson.

Robinson, of New Hampshire, will speak at Nova Southeastern University Tuesday. Robinson’s visit at NSU will conclude the law school’s 2007 Goodwin Symposium on sexuality, morality and the law. He will focus on how morality affects gay and lesbian legal rights.

”He’s not only a bishop who struggled in the church, he’s a person with an internal struggle,” said Anthony Niedwiecki, professor of current constitutional issues at NSU, who organized the event. “One of the things he will talk about is how a church can actually reconcile with gay, lesbian and bisexual issues.”

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