(Reuters) Egypt is on alert as an election result is imminent

Egypt’s ruling armed forces were on alert on Sunday as fears of violence mounted in the final moments before the state election committee is to name the winner of last weekend’s presidential election – either an Islamist or a former general.

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Posted in * International News & Commentary, Egypt, Middle East

2 comments on “(Reuters) Egypt is on alert as an election result is imminent

  1. Brian from T19 says:

    It would appear that the announcement has come: Mohamed Morsi won.


  2. Katherine says:

    Either Morsi really won, or the military authorities say he did because they can’t risk another upheaval right now. We’ll never know. In any case, the military has taken control of the constitution-writing process and a weakened presidency will probably result. Morsi wins, but what he will be allowed to do at this point is unclear.