[Andrew Wilson] The Case for Idolatry: Why Evangelical Christians Can Worship Idols

[I really hope it’s obvious that this is a parody, but if not: it is.]
For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to worship idols. It’s not that my parents raised me that way, because they didn’t; I was brought up in a loving, secure, Christian home. But from childhood until today, my heart has been drawn to idolatry. In fact, if I’m honest, one of the defining features of my identity has been my desire to put something else ”“ popularity, money, influence, sex, success ”“ in place of God.

That’s just who I am.

For many years, I was taught that idolatry was sinful. As a good Christian, I fought the desire to commit idolatry, and repented when I got it wrong. But the desire to worship idols never went away.

I wanted it to, but it didn’t.

So it has been such a blessing to discover that worshipping one God, and him alone, isn’t for everyone. There are thousands of Christians out there who have found faithful, loving ways of expressing worship both to God and to idols, without compromising either their faith or their view of Scripture. In recent years, I have finally summoned the courage to admit that I am one of them. Let me give you a few reasons why I believe that idolatry and Christianity are compatible…

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Posted in * General Interest, Humor / Trivia

3 comments on “[Andrew Wilson] The Case for Idolatry: Why Evangelical Christians Can Worship Idols

  1. Pb says:

    This article is notable in that it includes all of the false arguments that are being made today. It even adds one -that ancient writers did not understand the human brain.

  2. Jim the Puritan says:

    Interesting, we just had a discussion about this in our Bible small group. Our conclusion was no matter how hard we try, we will continue to be idolators in some way. But hopefully the Holy Spirit is constantly tugging us the other way and over time that tug gets stronger.

  3. Pb says:

    We will continue to be idolaters in some way because of original sin. All are sinners. It is not because of the things that the writer knows and we do not.