Boslife: Hundreds Killed In Nigeria Anti-Christian Violence

ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)– Islamic militant group Boko Haram is stepping up attacks in heavily Christian towns and village in Nigeria’s troubled northeast, killing more than 750 people since May 29, Christian rights activists say.

News of the violence came after Boko Haram militants were pushed back by Nigeria’s military when they tried to to gain access to Maiduguri, Borno State’s largest city.

“The increase in terrorist violence can be seen partly as Boko Haram’s challenge to [Nigerian] President [Muhammadu] Buhari’s campaign statement that he would end the insurgency within three months,” said Voice Of the Martyrs Canada (VOMC), a Christian aid and advocacy group.

Now calling itself the ‘West African Province of the Islamic State’, this “terrorist group has also pledged allegiance” to Islamic State in March of 2015 — “responding to the call to ‘make Ramadan a month of disasters for the infidels’,”VOMC told BosNewsLife in a statement.

Christian observers say that Boko Haram’s strategy includes inciting fellow Muslims against Christians…

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Posted in * International News & Commentary, Africa, Nigeria