Christopher Wells and William Franklin debate Recent Anglican Developments

Watch it all (about 47 1/2 minutes).


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, - Anglican: Analysis

8 comments on “Christopher Wells and William Franklin debate Recent Anglican Developments

  1. William P. Sulik says:

    By way of background for the uninformed viewer – me – who in the heck is William Graham? I’m about 10 minutes into the video and its obvious he thinks highly of himself – why should I?

  2. j.m.c. says:

    William Graham is a former dean of the Berkely Episcopal Divinity School at Yale. As such he should be aware of what this problem is really about. He pretends that this is not a matter of “theology” since there are no “Luthers” amongst those leaving with a platform of theological reform.
    Rather, he must know the position of his predecessor (previous Dean of same seminary), Dr. Philip Turner, that the problem with TEC is not with the “official” theology, but rather the “working” theology, which is more a kind of spiritualist therapy with pseudo-Christian elements. See [url=]here[/url].
    For any who haven’t yet read the article, please do, it is excellent in casting light on the current situation.

  3. R. Eric Sawyer says:

    J.m.c., thanks for the link.
    Dr. Turner spins a very nice meaty phrase:
    [blockquote]It’s a theological chasm—one that separates those who hold a theology of divine acceptance from those who hold a theology of divine redemption.[/blockquote]

    Other than Dr. Turner’s own opinion about the two positions, which is obvious, I wonder if the more thoughtful of our “worthy opponents” would find his description of the facts as compellingly accurate?

  4. Larry Morse says:

    jmc: I am particularly thankful for that link, which has expressed what I have been thinking these last few years more clearly and correctly than I have ever been able to do. Every Anglican should read this and consider carefully what it signifies for all Anglicanism. Larry

  5. William P. Sulik says:

    Thank you, JMC.

  6. William P. Sulik says:

    Okay, I googled him, with the details above and the first thing I came up with was [url=]this[/url]: “Yale dean resigns after alleged embezzlement”

    I’m sorry – not someone who should be defending ECUSA.

    As an aside, we just watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” as a family and I couldn’t help but compare the scene where George Bailey gets distraught about losing the $8,000 dollars (“Where’s that money, you silly stupid old fool? Where’s that money? Do you realize what this means? It means bankruptcy and scandal and prison. That’s what it means. One of us is going to jail – well, it’s not gonna be me.”) Nowadays, it seems like it means a golden parachute, a bailout or a sweet gig in Rome.

  7. j.m.c. says:

    The Divinity School later said that the audit showed sloppiness in bookkeeping but did not believe he had embezzled. Sounds though like quite different treatment from Don Armstrong – I do wish that Christoper Wells had asked him about this, you’d think that he’d take an interest in the Don Armstrong case given his own trying ordeal with financial audits.

  8. Albany+ says:

    It is important to note that at absolutely no point does Franklin seem able to bring himself to concede a single point. Simply watching his manner of interaction, which has rightly been described as arrogant — I would say self-righteous — is an icon of the liberal churchperson’s mentality.

    The bottom line here is that an hour of discourse with folks like this drives any hope out of any reasonable soul. They simply believe they are prophets, right about everything, and the world will become enlighten some day and grateful for their wisdom, which wisdom always oddly corresponds somehow to a cross between the NYT op-ed page and the latest faculty trends in Gender Studies.