Mr. Hilarious Himself, Dave Barry–The Year in Review: Bailing out of 2008

How weird a year was it?

Here’s how weird:

Ӣ O.J. actually got convicted of something.

”¢ Gasoline hit $4 a gallon — and those were the good times.

Ӣ On several occasions, Saturday Night Live was funny.

Ӣ There were a few days there in October when you could not completely rule out the possibility that the next Treasury Secretary would be Joe the Plumber.

Read it all.


Posted in * General Interest

2 comments on “Mr. Hilarious Himself, Dave Barry–The Year in Review: Bailing out of 2008

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    LOL That was one of the funnier articles I have read in a while.

  2. julia says:

    I especially enjoyed the ongoing fannie/freddie mac commentary!