NY Times London Journal: Atheists Send a Message, on 800 British Buses

And so were planted the seeds of the Atheist Bus Campaign, an effort to disseminate a godless message to the greater public. When the organizers announced the effort in October, they said they hoped to raise a modest $8,000 or so.

But something seized people’s imagination. Supported by the scientist and author Richard Dawkins, the philosopher A. C. Grayling and the British Humanist Association, among others, the campaign raised nearly $150,000 in four days. Now it has more than $200,000, and on Tuesday it unveiled its advertisements on 800 buses across Britain.

“There’s probably no God,” the advertisements say. “Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”

Spotting one of the buses on display at a news conference in Kensington, passers-by were struck by the unusual message.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Atheism, England / UK, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture

21 comments on “NY Times London Journal: Atheists Send a Message, on 800 British Buses

  1. Choir Stall says:

    “There’s probably…”?
    Not very convinced are they?

  2. Vincent Lerins says:

    [blockquote] “There’s probably no God,” the advertisements say. “Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” [/blockquote]

    Christians should buy media space next to the atheists’ ads. Their ads should respond:

    Note the word, [u]probably.[/u]
    What if they are wrong?

  3. Alli B says:

    What, you can’t enjoy life with God? I feel sorry for these “dogs in the manger.” They truly don’t get it.

  4. William P. Sulik says:

    Probably. heh. Can’t resist:

    [blockquote]The girl kept on dreaming of a honeymoon in France
    A handsome fiance and the way he could dance

    Nuestra luna de miel, oye vaco mansando
    Devina mujer estamos besando bailando el swim

    He made good money alright – a bright future[/blockquote]


  5. Branford says:

    What a strange statement – “There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” It shows how ignorant some atheists seem to be. Why should I be worried if there is a God? As a matter of fact, I do a lot less worrying when my belief in God is firm enough to know that I can give it all to Him. Phil 4:6-7 – “Do not be anxious about anything. . .” We are called to give all worry and anxiety over to the Lord and in turn we will receive “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding” which “will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” So I will enjoy my life because of (not in spite of) my belief.

  6. the roman says:

    The Prince of Lies has his minions stirred up into action groups to lead more and more astray. Interesting to see evangelistic atheists but the relativistic morality that pervades our society is fertile ground for such infernal seedlings. It appears the damned are actively recruiting these days. Pray God have mercy on their souls, may their hearts soften and their ears open to hear the Good News.

    p.s I must include my oldest son among those “minions.” He has let his contact with campus fundamentalists who preach God’s wrath rather than His love close his mind and his heart to Christ’s promises. Pray for him as well please.

  7. Doug Stein says:

    When my daughter was about 4 or 5 (she’s 23 now) she asked why there were bad people. Before I had a chance to answer, she got a funny look on her face and said, “Oh I know, it’s because THEY want to be God!” Out of the mouths of babes – and scripturally supported in Genesis 3:4-5.

    They’re hissing from the sides of buses, but the lie remains the same…

  8. William P. Sulik says:

    I think the British Atheists have been TEC’d – they are as firm in their conviction that there is no God as 815 is in the Resurrection.

  9. Connecticutian says:

    I sure wish they would stop trying to force their religious beliefs down everybody’s throat… isn’t that the usual complaint against proselytism? Who are they to stick their noses into the beliefs of other people? 🙂

  10. William Witt says:

    I could not help but be reminded of the famous subway graffiti:

    “God is dead.” — Nietzsche

    Below which some wag had written:

    “Nietzsche is dead.” — God

  11. CanaAnglican says:

    #10. Good one William! I doubt the following one is an authentic quote, but is PROBABLY true:

    “Atheists are not the sharpest tools in the shed.” — B. Pascal

  12. Br. Michael says:

    Are the athiests truly willing to own their worldview and to proudly proclaim its implications?

    Life is an accident.
    Life has no purpose except, maybe, reproduction.
    Life has no historical meaning. That is, it is simply events, but is going no where. It is the result of blind, random physical events.
    Death is personal extinction and one’s life has no ultimate meaning.

    These will do to start.

  13. Spiro says:

    Actually, it is ONLY Christians who truly enjoy a worry-free life. What a Blessing!!
    Thanks be to God.

    Fr. Kingsley Jon-Ubabuco
    Arlington Texas

  14. Br. Michael says:

    Spiro, I agree, but the athiests must confront the ultimate hopelessness of their worldview. Their is no God. The only reality is natural materialism. There is no purpose to life. Life exists and then dies. Their is no existance of life beyond death. Whether good or bad (which has no meaning) all are equal in the grave (that is non-existant except their chemical remains). This is their reality. Let them embrace it and proclaim it from the rooftops.

  15. Fr. Dale says:

    I see this as less of a first amendment intrusion issue than the threatening stickers I am forced to see/read daily on the back windows and bumpers of cars and trucks. What has become ho hum acceptable and cute is in your face scatological language and graphical pornography. My children and grandchildren cannot “turn the channel” and there is no “v chip” when you are at a red light behind one of these folks. Additionally, these same folks insist on sharing their “music” with its lurid lyrics with open windows and concert hall amplifiers.

  16. Irenaeus says:

    [i] And so were planted the seeds of the Atheist Bus Campaign [/i]

    We should welcome a straightforward debate. Let’s start with the stinky assumption in the slogan, “now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”

  17. rorymccorkle says:

    I have to say, I am surprised at the reaction in these comments. We cannot impinge upon this group’s right to speech any more than our right to profess our faith in Jesus Christ should be impinged upon. This is no different than the discussion held earlier over the ability to put pro-Christian messages on license plates in South Carolina. Let folks have their right to say what they want to say – I think the fact that this statement is so wavering and ridiculous speaks for the inadequacy of their argument.

  18. Branford says:

    rorymccorkle – I don’t see anyone saying that they want to “impinge upon this group’s right to speech” – did I miss that in a comment? If they want to spend the money, I have no problem with it, but we are allowed then to refute or even make fun of their message. I agree with Irenaeus – time for a straight-forward debate.

  19. Larry Morse says:

    Come on friends, this “ad” is downright funny – for a lot of reasons. Consider: If there is probably no God, then there is a chance that there is one. If there is one and you conclude there that He is not, then we have a new-ish saying, “Eat,drink and be merry for tomorrow you might face God. ” Guess wrong here – well, that’s sort of a bummer, Ralph. The “probably” is hilarious. Descartes is laughing even now. L

  20. Franz says:

    19 —

    Wasn’t it Pascal’s Wager?

  21. CanaAnglican says:

    Yes, see also 11.