Israel Declares Cease Fire; Hamas Says It Will Fight On

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel announced late Saturday night that the Israeli military would begin a unilateral cease-fire in Gaza within hours while negotiations continued on how to stop the resupply of Hamas through smuggling from Egypt.

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5 comments on “Israel Declares Cease Fire; Hamas Says It Will Fight On

  1. Harvey says:

    I’m sure that Israel remembers those famous words that I believe Teddy Roosevelt said -“..speak softly but carry a big stick..” Also another phrase that I remember “..Keep your powder dry..”. I forget the person but I believe it was spoken in the Revolutionary War.

  2. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    Is it just me or does Hamas seem like a madman in a straightjacket cursing and trying to bite anyone in reach?

  3. Jeffersonian says:

    Have you read their charter, S&ToN;? Craziness is endemic to Hamas.

  4. Jim of Lapeer says:

    While Israel has a right to defend itself, the seeds for the latest conflict are in Israel’s move to keep the Gaza area like a prison. Hamas is mostly to blame, but Israel must share some of the responsibility for locking down and depriving the Palestinians of any room to move.

  5. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    What of Egypt’s blame? Iran’s blame? Fatah’s blame? The EU’s blame?