BBC host: Christ is real, but I can't say so on air

BBC presenter Jeremy Vine believes that Christ is who he says he is, but doesn’t think he could say so on his show.

The Radio 2 host, who also fronts TV shows Panorama and Points of View, says society is becoming increasingly intolerant of Christian views.

He told Reform Magazine that it has become “almost socially unacceptable to say you believe in God”.

“You can’t express views that were common currency 30 or 40 years ago,” he said.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, England / UK, Media, Religion & Culture

4 comments on “BBC host: Christ is real, but I can't say so on air

  1. Cennydd says:

    “…….but I can’t say so on air.” And why not, may I ask?

  2. Alice Linsley says:

    You have to know where your line is drawn. That way when you are pressured to cross it, you will know that your hour to shine has come! These are the worst and the best of times. The worst because the darkness is spreading. The best because our light shines brightest in darkness, as long as we don’t hide it under a basket of worldly concerns.

  3. Hoskyns says:

    I would REALLY love to see some serious discussion on this blog (and elsewhere!) of the charge in that article that Christianity in general, but orthodox Christians in particular, are “obscure, life-denying, and regressive”. That’s the rub of Western Christianity’s survival in the 21st century. We all know (do we?) that that’s a monstrous misrepresentation of the gospel. But as caricatures go it’s potentially far more damaging than a previous generation’s concerns that Christianity was “not true” or “not relevant”. What think ye?

  4. Milton says:

    Perhaps if we live connected to the risen, living Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit is obvious in us, then unbelievers would want to know why we are different, what makes us tick, why we aren’t so anxious or selfish or hostile as the general run of people they meet. After all, as Christians, we have as a free gift from the Lord the things the world longs for, spends time, money, and energy to pursue, advertises for sale as a result of buying the trinkets hawked in its markets. I tried to sum that up a while back and came up with this:

    A Treasure that Money Can’t Buy . . .

    · A Clean Slate (forgiven sins)

    · A Fresh Start (the new birth)

    · Clear Vision and Sure Guidance (the Holy Spirit)

    · Unlimited Power (by the Holy Spirit) to Do Good (God’s Will)

    · Death as the Beginning, not the End (resurrection to eternal life)

    Everyone wants these things and searches for them in the world without finding them there. Money, power, success, fame, and indulging in fleshly appetites do not bring happiness for long. They kill the joy in our lives when we try to use them to fill the place God should have in our hearts. If we could make every poor person rich and every sick person well they would still have to die one day. What then? “We are not our own, we have been bought with a price …” and what answer shall we give to the One who paid that price for us who could not pay it for ourselves?

    The Lord Jesus Christ wants us to realize that we cannot fill the emptiness in our lives by our own efforts, to declare ourselves bankrupt, and to turn our whole lives over to Him in trust of His goodness and grace. Then our lives begin to make sense and to have meaning and joy in a way they never did before.

    James the brother of Jesus writes, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”. Try an experiment for yourself, a test to detect the presence of God. Every day for two weeks, at a time each day when you can have peace and quiet, ask God to show you two things. First, to show Himself to you as He really is. Second, to show you to yourself as He truly sees you. Think of it as calling God on the phone! If you truly want to hear what He wants to tell you, He will answer.
