AP: Jewish leaders to meet pope; optimistic end to bishop issue

Jewish groups are mending ties with the Vatican following a dispute over a Holocaust-denying bishop.

Representatives of the World Jewish Congress said Monday they were optimistic about Vatican-Jewish relations after meeting with top Vatican officials. In addition, a group of American Jewish leaders will meet with Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday to commend him for his “firm stand” to end the dispute over Bishop Richard Williamson.

And Israel’s chief rabbinate, the Jewish state’s highest religious authority, confirmed that it would resume theological talks next month that had been suspended in the wake of the Williamson affair.

Read it all.

Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Inter-Faith Relations, Judaism, Other Churches, Other Faiths, Pope Benedict XVI, Roman Catholic

2 comments on “AP: Jewish leaders to meet pope; optimistic end to bishop issue

  1. Harvey says:

    I was old enough to remember reading the newspapers about the Holocaust [with photos attached] and it is my personal opinion that the Bishop in question be “dumped”. He is not telling the truth or he is so mentally deficient he should be removed from office before he harms himself or others.

  2. TACit says:

    There is a quite interesting perspective on this public relations fracas, here: