Could Advanced AI ‘kill everyone?’; some Oxford researchers say yes

Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) could “kill everyone” and should be regulated like nuclear weapons, experts have warned.

Superhuman algorithms that outperform mankind are on the way and may present just as much threat to humans as we posed to the dodo, researchers from Oxford University told MPs at the Science and Technology Select Committee.

The committee heard how advanced AI could take control of its own programming if it learned to achieve its goals in a different way than originally intended.

Doctoral student Michael Cohen said: “With superhuman AI there is a particular risk that is of a different sort of class, which is, well, it could kill everyone.

“If you imagine training a dog with treats it will learn to pick actions that lead to it getting treats, but if the dog finds the treat cupboard it can get the treats itself without doing what we wanted it to do.

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Posted in Science & Technology