When I was ill, my husband and I were stuck in the house for months.
But I made a complete recovery and was so happy the day he bounded into the kitchen and asked, “Would you like to go out, girl?”
“I’d love to,” I replied immediately.
We had a wonderful meal, culminating with my husband making a confession. “Remember when I suggested going out tonight?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“I was talking to the dog.”
–Anita Saunders in the May, 2009, Reader’s Digest, page 133
Oh, my! That sounds all too familiar!!
Hmmm. In a case like this, hnoesty (in the sense of total disclosure) is perhaps not always the best policy (wink). But I suspect this couple will get a good laught out of remembering this incident for years to come.
David Handy+
“I was talking to the dog.”
And, its possible that he and the dog will be sharing quarters in the dog house.
I’m with the rest of the posters, sometimes you luck into a good situation, no sense spoiling it with an momentary lapse of honesty.
“my husband and I were stuck in the house for months.” I think his “honesty” was intended to make a point. In other words, it was intentional honesty.