Notable and Quotable

The world is a dangerous place to live ”” not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.

–Albert Einstein

Posted in * General Interest, Notable & Quotable

4 comments on “Notable and Quotable

  1. KAR says:

    Amen! May we step out of our comfort zones to be God’s Children of salt and light in our time.

  2. John B. Chilton says:

    Which raises the question, why do we spend so much time fighting our co-religionists? Is that where our energy should be devoted?

  3. Br. Michael says:

    Attempt of oppose evil and the liberal/progressives will be all over you.

  4. libraryjim says:

    When our “co-religionists” attempt to co-opt a denomination and use their power to persecute the faithful in that denomination, then they NEED to be opposed.