(New Vision) Nigeria archbishop celebrates Uganda Martyrs, decries persecution of Christians

Archbishop of the Church of Uganda Dr Stephen Kaziimba invited Ndukuba as the guest preacher at the Anglican site as the Church marks the 2024 Martyrs Day.

He thanked God for the 45 Uganda Martyrs from both Anglicans and Catholics and the opportunity for the Church of Nigeria to take part in this year’s Martyrs Day celebrations. He asked Christians to emulate the martyrs because they did not forsake their faith.

“The Church in Uganda is because of God’s holy word and also on the sacrifices of those who were killed for their faith in God. I have been shocked by the many people who have travelled long distances to come here and worship God. The reward for sin is death, but the strength of God is seen in righteousness,” he said.

He equated the Uganda Martyrs to the Biblical believers Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3:8–30 who chose to be thrown in the Lake of Fire rather than denounce God.

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Posted in Church History, Church of Uganda