Reasononline: The Top 10 Most Absurd Time Covers of The Past 40 Years

This was fascinating to me, some I barely remembered and some I didn’t even know existed.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Media

3 comments on “Reasononline: The Top 10 Most Absurd Time Covers of The Past 40 Years

  1. drjoan says:

    I wonder if [i]Time[/i] ever had a cover about the violence and misbehavior that came from the overindulgence in “Twinkies,” sugar donuts, and the like. Remember the “Twinkie defense” from the Harvey Milk story? For a long time it was opined that that hyperactive kids had eaten too much sugar for breakfast!

  2. Timothy Fountain says:

    I liked one they did back when Ayatollah Khomeini took over Iran… a painting of a guy on a minaret gazing at the crescent moon. The article was stuff about how “Muslims don’t just go to church once a week…” Anyway, not a panic piece, a puff piece. Sure they’ve done their share of those.

  3. Larry Morse says:

    It’s not that Time has not manufactured too much over-the-top news substitutes, but the authors of this outdo their object in sheer hyperbole. This is terrible writing, scare mongering in the best tradition of the Time they complain about. L