(SA) A Hidden Compound in Rosemary Could Help Fight Alzheimer’s

A new approach to Alzheimer’s disease treatment could be on the horizon, inspired by a compound found in common herbs.

Carnosic acid is found in rosemary and sage and is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; however, it is unstable in its pure form. Now researchers in California have synthesized a stable derivative of the compound, which showed promising results in mouse models of Alzheimer’s. Mice that were given the stable derivative had boosts in memory, more neuron synapses, reduced inflammation, and more removal of toxic proteins that are linked to Alzheimer’s.

That covers multiple signs of Alzheimer’s disease, which can kill off a high proportion of synapses, breaking key neuron communication routes, while memory loss is one of the most noticeable effects. “We did multiple different tests of memory, and they were all improved with the drug,” says neuroscientist Stuart Lipton, from the Scripps Research Institute. “It didn’t just slow down the decline, it improved virtually back to normal.

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Posted in Health & Medicine, Science & Technology

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