Louisiana Democratic Party Attacks Rep. Jindal for Anti-Protestant Statements

A Louisiana Democratic Party ad accusing Republican candidate for governor Bobby Jindal of calling Protestants “scandalous, depraved, selfish and heretical” has prompted a firestorm of criticism and calls Tuesday from the GOP to take the ad off the air.

Political watchers questioned whether the ad went too far and whether it accurately reflects Jindal’s writings on Catholicism. Republicans and the head of a national Catholic organization called the ad a smear campaign.

Democrats say the 30-second TV spot ”” running in heavily Protestant central and north Louisiana ”” simply explains Jindal’s beliefs with his own words, using portions of Jindal’s religious writings through the 1990s, before he was an elected official.

A lawyer for the Jindal campaign sent a letter to nine television stations airing the ad, requesting that they stop showing it and calling it defamatory.

Read it all.


Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Inter-Faith Relations

10 comments on “Louisiana Democratic Party Attacks Rep. Jindal for Anti-Protestant Statements

  1. Newbie Anglican says:

    The Democrat Party lies. So what’s new?

    This attack is so absurd, it’s hilarious. Meanwhile, Democrats have accused Wannabe M. Anglican of involvment in the Kennedy Assassination. They note he lived in Dallas at the time, and that his mother worked at Parkland Hospital when the president was taken and declared dead. (Wannabe was age 2 at the time, but hey.)

  2. gdb in central Texas says:

    Worth knowing the background of this attack – http://www.professorbainbridge.com/2007/08/bobby-jindals-c.html

  3. William P. Sulik says:

    #2, Everyone lies — Nixon, LBJ, etc. It’s not limited to one party.


    We don’t need another namecalling thread.

  4. David+ says:

    The Democrat Party in Louisiana is in very serious trouble with the voters and this ad just goes to shows the Democrats realize their likely to be creamed come the fall election, hence the desperate ad. More to come for sure.

  5. John316 says:

    Newbie, it is difficult to keep up with all the Republican criminals, but here is a pretty good start: [url=http://washparkprophet.blogspot.com/2005/11/republican-criminals.html]Wash Park Prophet[/url]

  6. Ad Orientem says:

    Slander and a thinly disguised attempt to stir up anti-Catholic bigotry among Bible Belt Protestants. Perhaps the Democrats should rename themselves the Know Nothing Party. It would be more apt.

  7. Pb says:

    Some of the statements I saw reflect Catholic teaching which is not inclusive in nature. I am sure that the use of the statements was intended to inflame.

  8. azusa says:

    # 2: Quit boasting!

  9. Katherine says:

    The entire article by Jindal, apparently several years old, is only available for a fee from the archives of the New Oxford Review. I have seen extensive excerpts, which show Jindal understands Catholic teaching. How refreshing: a Catholic politician who is actually Catholic!

    One of the most hilarious items I’ve seen about this was written by Markos Moulitsas at the influential blog site Daily Kos. He derisively quotes Jindal’s use of “total depravity,” including its attribution to John Calvin, apparently not realizing that Calvin was a leading Reformation leader — i.e., Protestant!