Resolution one passes

86.7 percent


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6 comments on “Resolution one passes

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Thanks for the regular updates throughout the day. Wow, I’d say that passing by over 85% is an overwhelming vote of confidence in +Mark Lawrence’s leadership and general approach. Very impressive.

    David Handy+

  2. MikeS says:

    Isn’t Resolution #1 the resolution affirming the sufficiency of Scripture and the creeds as the teaching of the Church?

    14% were against?

  3. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Yes, MikeS (#2), you’re right. It seems like a no-brainer when the resolution is taken at face value. But as always, we’re talking church politics here, and the resolution is highly symbolic. I think that explains the 13 or 14% against it.

    But the other four resolutions are much more significant. Let’s see how they fare.

    David Handy+

  4. DonGander says:

    I don’t think that such a resolution is “highly symbolic” I think it is vital to be able to confirm in resolution of group what one has confirmed in person.


  5. tjmcmahon says:

    Actually, “only” 14% against is pretty good for TEC. Remember that in 2003, GC voted down B001- essentially a rejection of all the historic doctrines of the Church. 6 years later, KJS deposed Bishop Ackerman, who originally proposed B001.

  6. New Reformation Advocate says:

    TJ (#5),

    That’s precisely what I had in mind, the stunning failure of B001 to pass back in Gen Con 2003, probably because it was correctly seen as a symbolic rejection of the whole liberal agenda.

    And Don (#4),

    I’m sorry if I was unclear. I agree that the affirmation was a valuable one. And tactically, it helps to build momentum. Once one resolution passes, it easier for related ones to pass. I simply meant that the first resolution would be seen politically by some people as a referendum on the whole course of action being proposed by +Lawrence and the other leaders of the Dioc of SC. I assume that even in a very conservative diocese like that (TEC being in the sad state it is), there will be 14% or more of delegates who wouldn’t vote in favor of motherhood and applepie, if the diocesan leaders were behind it.

    David Handy+