From the No Comment Department

BEIJING ”” Police in China’s capital said Tuesday they will start patrolling the Web using animated beat officers that pop up on a user’s browser and walk, bike or drive across the screen warning them to stay away from illegal Internet content


Posted in China

5 comments on “From the No Comment Department

  1. The_Elves says:

    So…. who can help us with similar animation for the elves? 😉

  2. Sherri says:

    LOL! What do y’all ride on the beat?

  3. Br_er Rabbit says:

    The animated beat cop needs to be supplied with a good Irish brogue.

  4. Irenaeus says:

    “So…. who can help us with similar animation for the elves?”

    I have a pretty good animated cop (distinctly Irish-looking) who repeatedly blows his whistle.

    For the elves I’d also suggest an animated Balrog for commenters who suggest unseemly recipes.

  5. Harvey says:

    I’m sure someone in China will figure a way out of this situation.