A Statement from the Communion Partners re: L.A Bishop-Suffragan Election Consents

From here:

It is with profound sorrow that we, the Communion Partner Bishops and Rectors, express our deepest regret to our brothers and sisters in the Anglican Communion for the action of the majority of the diocesan bishops and standing committees of the dioceses of The Episcopal Church in voting to consent to the consecration as a bishop of a woman living in a sexual relationship outside Christian marriage. Unfortunately, where restraint was respectfully requested by the leadership of the Communion, it has been ignored. Where the General Convention has counseled study of the Anglican Covenant, this action has rendered that counsel moot.

Therefore, we disassociate ourselves from this action and grieve the state of separation that exists in The Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. This separation is a witness to the need for the Anglican Covenant as the means through which dioceses and congregations in The Episcopal Church can affirm their commitment to the Anglican Communion.

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5 comments on “A Statement from the Communion Partners re: L.A Bishop-Suffragan Election Consents

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    I applaud the CP Steering Committee for issuing a short, clear statement. I think the tone of apologizing for this latest arrogant and schismatic act by TEC leaders is appropriate. But of course, it remains highly dubious whether the current Covenant is a sufficient solution to our Anglican crisis. As I’ve often said here at T19, I’m extremely skeptical about that and think that much sterner measures are necessary. But even so, I commend the CP Steering Committee for promptly releasing such a forthright statement. Such self-differentiation is always good and healthy.

    Also, I’m glad that Russell Levenson+ of St. Martin’s, Houston is one of the signatories. Hopefully, it means or will help make it clear that this cardinal rector hasn’t softened his opposition to the unbiblical pro-gay agneda of TEC’s leadership, despite the recent confusing resolution he helped sponsor at the Diocese of Texas’s last council meeting.

    David Handy+

  2. Cennydd says:

    [Comment deleted by Elf]

  3. WilliamS says:

    I noticed that Bishop Lawrence’s name does not appear on the list of signatories. That he supports the statement in spirit there can be no doubt—just curious if there’s a reason (strategic, coincidental, situational, or typographical).

    William Shontz
    [url=http://theleca.org ]The Lake Erie Confessing Anglican[/url]

  4. Calvin says:

    William (#3)

    When I got this via another source it only had two bishops and two priests — who I thought were the Steering Committee or some such for the CP.

    Were I a betting man, I would go with an oversight on the Living Church’s part, or simply the contingencies of time and communication.

  5. Athanasius Returns says:

    But will this regret bear fruit? If so, what kind?