Statement from Bishop Daniel W. Herzog about today's news

I want to extend my deep appreciation to Bishop Love and to Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori for their kindness and pastoral solicitude. Carol and I are grateful for the continuing opportunity to serve our Lord and His church in the Diocese of Albany. My only plan is to assist in any way Bishop Bill directs. We are honored to resume a fuller place among the clergy and laity of the diocese.


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8 comments on “Statement from Bishop Daniel W. Herzog about today's news

  1. AnglicanFirst says:


    The Holy Spirit is on the move.

  2. Nikolaus says:

    [i] Ad hominem comment deleted by elf. [/i]

  3. marinemama says:

    [i] Ad hominem comment deleted by elf. [/i]

  4. Nikolaus says:

    Good grief! I’ll simply say that it makes the heart sad.

  5. Conchúr says:

    [Comment deleted by Elf along with replies to this comment]

  6. AnglicanFirst says:

    “It profits a man nothing to sell his soul for the whole world, but….”

    How can you, in good conscience, make such a condemning yet incourageously indirect statement?

    You have at best an incomplete history of the events impacting Bishop Herzog’s decision and you know nothing of the discernment processes involved in that decision.

  7. RazorbackPadre says:

    Dear Anglicanfirst,

    Are you privy to the process you defend? Mr. Herzog has caused many to stagger and has lead many to confusion and doubt (myself among them). If for no more than this his prevarications are deserving of strong scrutiny. As for myself, without a clear and compelling explaination, from henceforth I will discount Bp. Herzog’s efforts to lead. May God heal him, his wife, and the many who have been wounded by the bishop’s wonderings

  8. David Keller says:

    I was on the Standing Commisiion for Evangelism with Bp. Dan from 2001 to 2007. I am prividledged to know this great lion of the faith and I am glad he is back. I hope his return marks the beginning of some return of sanity to the greater Epsicopal Church. I am, frankly, surprised the PB let him return.