Tommy Smyth of ESPN Interviewed on the Charlie Rose Show about the World Cup

CHARLIE ROSE: And soccer’s popularity or football as they say everywhere else, grows like crazy?

TOMMY SMYTH: Yes, it’s continuing to grow, there is no question about it. I mean, you travel the streets of any major city in the United States now and you will find kids wearing the jerseys of Barcelona–

CHARLIE ROSE: And every bar’s got it turned on along with baseball.

TOMMY SMYTH: Yeah, everybody’s watching it now, and the ratings on ESPN have been tremendous, through the roof.

CHARLIE ROSE: Yeah, and high-definition television, unbelievable.

TOMMY SMYTH: It’s almost like you were on the field, Charlie. You have to look out or somebody will kick you.

Read or watch it all (click on the picture to start the video).


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Africa, Globalization, South Africa, Sports

3 comments on “Tommy Smyth of ESPN Interviewed on the Charlie Rose Show about the World Cup

  1. Antonio says:

    USA has great potential of becoming one of the places where you may find the best “football”. You have something that can not be learned: heart.
    Just call football coaches from Europe and South America to teach your young people, and… it will be very hard to defeat your team.
    I’m saying so as an Argentinian.

  2. Mike L says:

    It’s like watching a marathon except they kick a ball around too. The blatant flopping in attempts to get reds & yellows on the opponents too is just sad. Overall, I guess I’ll remain in the camp of I might watch some during the Cup, but for the rest of the time, meh.

  3. Antonio says:

    USA 1 – 0 Algeria
    Well, I’ve already said so, but your team definitely has heart.