From the Do Not Take Yourself Too seriously department–Pastor decides to live with muffed sign

From satirical site Lark News:

After spending $2,000 to upgrade his church’s sign, and fighting the board for the money, pastor Chad Thomas was chagrined to see the word “church” spelled incorrectly.

“My secretary was gone that day and I’m not much of a speller ”” it’s my fault,” he says. “I signed off on the final copy.”

Read the whole piece.


Posted in * General Interest, Humor / Trivia

10 comments on “From the Do Not Take Yourself Too seriously department–Pastor decides to live with muffed sign

  1. Larry Morse says:

    Well, I just saw “Saten” on a charismatic sign. You know him, he’s the deval. Larry I do like Chruch. Great word.

  2. Intercessor says:

    For those who can’t shake off a crutch I would recommend going to Chruch for help!

  3. TLDillon says:

    Would not the genus who put the sign together and up for the church who was paid the money known to have asked about the spelling or at least just corrected it? Assumption is the door to failure….

  4. James Manley says:


  5. AnnieCOA says:

    I do the communications for our church, and fear of exactly this kind of error keeps me up at night.

  6. TLDillon says:

    Thank you James Manly for doing what the sign builder should have done …which proves my point!


  7. alcuin says:

    It’s the work of Santa.

  8. Terry Tee says:

    I admire the way he ‘fessed up and is using the thing positively. Bravo. But still … a pastor who cannot spell the word ‘church’? I know that standards are not what they used to be, but even so …

  9. samh says:



    satiricalsite Lark News”…

  10. Terry Tee says:

    Samh: So I should not take seriously the companion piece about Top Christian Party Schools? And I was just about to fire off a letter to their presidents!