WSJ–Tax Cuts Weighed to Spur Economy

The Obama administration is considering a range of new measures to boost economic growth, including tax cuts and a new nationwide infrastructure program, according to people familiar with the discussions.

The president’s economic team has met frequently in recent days to list ways to bolster the struggling recovery, according to government officials.

On the list of possible actions: additional tax cuts for small businesses beyond those included in a $30 billion small-business lending bill before the Senate. It’s not clear what those tax breaks would target or how much they might cost in lost revenue to the government.
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Also in the mix: a possible payroll tax cut for businesses and individuals, as well as other business tax breaks, according to people familiar with the discussions. Currently, income taxes are scheduled to rise with the expiration of Bush-era tax cuts at the end of this year.

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3 comments on “WSJ–Tax Cuts Weighed to Spur Economy

  1. Sidney says:

    The Republicans should block *any* such proposal, no matter how reasonable. Don’t let the Democrats get any credit for fixing things, or trying to. They had two years to do this.

    That’s what the Democrats did to Hoover in 1931-33. They wanted a train wreck and got it. It’s payback time.

  2. Septuagenarian says:

    #1, and so goes the Party of No, which is not interested in the welfare of the nation, but only in playing a misguided partisan game.

    I should think that the Republicans could come up with something better than “No.”

  3. Sidney says:

    #2, This is what you guys do. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.