Notable and Quotable III–Reginald Eppes on his experience in the Tuscaloosa Tornado

[MICHELE] NORRIS: So when you described this, the wall came down, and you said your boy just zoom.

Mr. [REGINALD] EPPES: Yes. When…

NORRIS: Just was pulled out of the opening created by the wall. What happened?

Mr. EPPES: It was like somebody just had a slingshot on him, a rope or a rubber band and had traction on that rubber band and pulled him away. It was just that quick. And you could see nothing. You just feel I got – I think I got hit by the washing machine because that’s what I could see beside me because I got fractured ribs and a deflated lung from it….
[Later] We – when I got on the ambulance and came in to the hospital, my wife, she went back out and surveyed the place. And there’s nothing on the -there’s nothing on our concrete. There’s nothing.

NORRIS: Just a concrete slab.

Mr. EPPES: Just a concrete slab, you know, and then, I tell you, I’ll tell you this. I felt really bad for a lot of people who lost lives. I have my son, and I lost all my material stuff, all that’s gone. But, dude, I feel great, you know, with my kids and my wife are still here. And I do know that my wife I nor I would have lost any of our faith behind the incident if we lost any of our children.

–From an NPR story posted on Friday and quoted by yours truly in this morning’s sermon


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One comment on “Notable and Quotable III–Reginald Eppes on his experience in the Tuscaloosa Tornado

  1. djsparks says:

    Reggie and his wife Danielle are a beautiful couple who love their children strongly. They are also committed to in the Lord. I have met few people who are as intense in their faith as the Eppes family. I’m glad they’re safe, but I’m more joyful that their hope is in Christ and the eternal life that he gives.