An Interesting Resolution Submitted to the Diocese of Upper South Carolina in 2003

And Whereas, those parishes that support the actions of the 74th General Convention may wish to remain in communion with ECUSA, and those parishes that do not support the actions of the convention may wish to withdraw from participation within the National Church

And Whereas, the Church in the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina wishes to express its commitment to all parishes and wishes to offer, in the spirit of Christian charity, the utmost freedom of conscience to parishes who are considering their support or lack of support for the actions of convention

And Whereas, the Church in this diocese does not wish to wield unGodly power in the form of control over buildings, property, finances, or endowments to enforce a false unity among churches that may agree or disagree with the actions of convention

Be It Resolved, that Property held by the Church in the Episcopal Diocese of
Upper South Carolina for the use of a Parish, Mission Fellowship or Diocesan Organization belongs beneficially to such Parish, Mission Fellowship or Diocesan Organization only. No adverse claim to such beneficial interest by any other body, by the Diocese, or by The Episcopal Church in the United States of America is acknowledged, but rather is expressly denied. All other property of the Church in the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina is held by the Diocesan Executive Committee for the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina for those exempt religious purposes within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States of America. Such exempt religious purposes shall be those determined by the Convention of the Church in the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina and the appropriate officers elected by it. No adverse claim to such beneficial interest by The Episcopal Church in the United States of America or any other body is acknowledged, but rather is expressly denied.

Read it all.


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One comment on “An Interesting Resolution Submitted to the Diocese of Upper South Carolina in 2003

  1. Kendall Harmon says:

    I am sad and embarrassed that I did not remember this until I was reminded of it this past week.